AGM & Conference
Find out more about Myositis UK’s AGM and conference.
AGM and conference
The next AGM and conference will be held on Sunday 14 July 2024 at the Woodland Grange, Old Milverton Lane, Leamington Spa.
The annual Myositis UK AGM and conference is held each year and is free to members.
It is a great opportunity to find out more about the work of Myositis UK, learn about ongoing research, and meet others affected by myositis.
We’re working on putting together an interesting and informative programme. This typically includes updates on research and treatment, an open question and answer session, and time to meet and talk to other members. Even at this early stage we have doctors and scientists committed to attend.
If you are a member of Myositis UK and would like to attend this year’s event, you must remember to book your place in advance.
Booking details can be found in your Winter mail/email pack from Myositis UK. If you haven’t received this, please contact us.
The last AGM and conference took place on Sunday 23 July 2023 at the Woodland Grange, Leamington Spa. You can read about it in our newsletter.