Take part in research

Find out about opportunities to take part in research on myositis.

Take part in research

From time to time, there may be opportunities to take part in research or clinical trials relating to myositis. If you are a member of Myositis UK, you will be among the first to hear about these. Details will also appear on this page.

As myositis is a rare disease, the myositis community is therefore very small. As such, most research work, especially in the UK, has to be performed as collaborations at specialist centres.

Doctors are working together across disciplines on a variety of projects to try and increase sound research for myositis. If you would like to take part in research or a clinical trial please see what is available below.

Please keep in mind that some of these may have closed since being published here, and are likely to have criteria for taking part if they are still open.

If you do see something you wish to be considered for, please discuss with your doctor or contact the organisers of the opportunity for suitability. 

If you are taking part in research or clinical trial not listed here and believe it to be relevant please let us know and we will consider listing it.

See the NHS website for general information on research and clinical trials.

Latest opportunities

VALOR study
The VALOR Study is a clinical study sponsored by Priovant Therapeutics for adults (from 18 to 75 years old) with dermatomyositis who are not finding symptom relief with current treatment. The VALOR Study is evaluating an investigational medicine called brepocitinib to see if it may improve symptoms of dermatomyositis in adults 18 to 74 years old.

NEPTUNIA clinical research study is sponsored by Merck Healthcare KGaA and for adults (from 18 to 75 years old) who have been diagnosed with DM or PM. NEPTUNIA will evaluate the efficacy and safety of enpatoran tablets (the “lnvestigational Medica­tion”) that will be administered twice daily.

Find out more about the studies including eligibility and how to apply. 

Where next?

About our research

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Current research

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Apply for a research grant

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