Gift in Will

Keep up the fight against rare muscle disease by leaving a gift in your Will.

About leaving a legacy

Did you know 80% of us will give to charity during our lifetime but only 5% will remember a charity in their will?

Leaving a gift in your Will – or a legacy as it is also known – is a personal way to help a cause important to you.

This gift is also exempt from inheritance tax and can reduce the tax burden on your estate.

Myositis UK has been touched by the kindness and generosity of legacies and donations given in memoriam.

These gifts have enabled the charity to continue working to improve the diagnosis, treatment, understanding and prognosis of myositis, in the hope of a cure.

All gifts are recorded by Myositis UK and, if appropriate, can be used to fund a specific project. Have you considered including a gift to Myositis UK in your Will?

How to leave a gift in your Will

To leave a legacy gift to Myositis UK, it is important you state your wish to do so in your Will.

There are two types of bequest that can be made, either residuary or pecuniary.

Residuary bequest

A residuary bequest means that once family and loved ones have been provided for, the remainder or a proportion of the deceased’s estate is pledged to one or more charities.

Pecuniary bequest

A pecuniary bequest means that the deceased pledges a specific sum of money to a particular charity.
Should you choose to bequest a legacy to Myositis UK in your Will, either residuary or pecuniary, your gift will be tax-free.

Help making your Will

It is recommended that you take legal advice when drawing up your Will or making amendments.

The average cost of making a Will is £80-£100. Amendments (or codicils) can be made at any time afterwards, should your personal circumstances change.

Financial assistance for making a will is available under certain circumstances. Visit Citizens Advice for further information on making a Will and using a solicitor.

Details of solicitors in your area can also be obtained from the Law Society either online or by phone on 0870 606 6575.

Further information

To discuss leaving a gift in your Will, please contact us. Our Treasurer, Jo Goode, will be more than happy to answer them.

Further information can also be sought from the following websites:

Where next?

Give In Memory

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