Give in memory

Remember and celebrate the life of a loved one while helping others with myositis

About giving in memory

You can give in memory of a loved one who has passed to remember and celebrate their life while helping those affected by myositis. This is also known as in-memoriam giving.

Some people choose to do this by simply giving a donation in the name of the person they have lost. Others might prefer to pay tribute by making a charitable donation instead of flowers.

Funeral directors will be able to make the necessary arrangements to receive donations and forward them on to Myositis UK.

Memoriam donation form

We have a special memoriam donation form designed for those who wish to give in memory.

This form has been produced to include all the necessary information needed to maximise donations, such as Gift Aid, with the understanding that those filling it out may be doing so at a distressful time.

This form also has a small description of myositis and the work of the Myositis UK.

Please contact us for a memoriam donation form and let us know whether you would prefer us to send you a printed version in the post or an electronic version via email.

Memoriam donation page

A personalised memoriam donation page through either JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving can also be created as a tribute to receive online donations.

Using these platforms means people can donate easily and securely using either a credit or debit card, or with Paypal.

Things to know

  • Any cheques should be made in pounds sterling and payable to Myositis UK. Please send them to our registered address on our contact page.
  • On receipt of memoriam donations formal acknowledgement is sent to the next of kin and any further persons who have been requested.
  • All gifts given in memory are recorded by Myositis UK and any specific requests regarding how the money is spent are endeavoured to be filled.

Generous gifts giving in memory have enabled Myositis UK to continue working to improve the diagnosis, treatment, understanding and prognosis of myositis, in the hope of a cure Thank you for thinking of us at this time.

Please contact us if you have any questions about giving in memory.

Where next?

About Myositis UK

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Ways To Give

Other ways to give
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