
Your generosity allows Myositis UK to keep fighting rare muscle disease. Donate online or by post today.

Donate online

You can make both one-off and regular donations online to Myositis UK which will help us carry on providing information, relieving isolation and funding vital research into myositis.

Donate online

Clicking the donate button above will take you to our JustGiving page to donate. We can also collect online donations through either: Virgin Money or Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) if you would prefer.

Donate by post

We also welcome donations made by cheque or postal order. Please make cheques payable to Myositis UK and ensure they are in pounds sterling (£).

Donations by post should be sent to:

Myositis UK
146 Newtown Road

Don’t forget to Gift Aid!

Your donation could be worth 25% more at no extra cost to you.

If you are a UK taxpayer, we can reclaim the tax you’ve paid on your donation at no extra cost to you.

For every £1 you donate we can reclaim an extra 25p meaning your donation will be worth more to Myositis UK.

To do this, please ensure you check the Gift Aid box when donating online.

If you are sending a donation by post, please include a note to request a Gift Aid declaration form and we will send one to you for completion.

Why support us?

Myositis UK relies on the generous donations and fundraising efforts of our supporters to sustain the charity and fund vital research.

We are a very small charity and we do not receive any funding from the government, National Lottery, or pharmaceutical grants.

Your support will help us keep up the fight against rare muscle disease and strive for a future free from all forms of myositis.

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